Researchers have shown what a person will look like after a thousand years

(ORDO NEWS) -- The research project, which was carried out by Toll Free Forwarding, warns

Signs that a demon or other entity has moved into a person

(ORDO NEWS) -- Lately, you have been feeling strange: suddenly you didn’t have enough strength,

American neurologist found that a person needs dreams for thermoregulation

(ORDO NEWS) -- The authoritative journal Lancet published the results of an extensive study by

After death, a person realizes that he died, said American scientists

(ORDO NEWS) -- In recent decades, scientists have studied near-death experiences (NDEs) in an attempt

Scientists are trying to understand how a person could survive after the freeze

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers are studying a case that occurred several decades ago in Minnesota.

How long will a person live if he is swallowed by a large animal

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 2014, the Discovery Channel showed a documentary in which the hero

Why does a person fly in a dream

(ORDO NEWS) -- It is not known what appeared earlier - the myth about the

Scientists have discovered a microscopic mite that lives on a person’s face

(ORDO NEWS) -- A group of British biologists from the University of Reading have been

A person’s age was predicted by the connections between certain brain networks

(ORDO NEWS) -- The scientists investigated whether the connection between the central executive network and

Imitation of a person: how neural networks can convince us

(ORDO NEWS) -- Neural networks learn from people to paint pictures and compose music, and

Why does a person frown from a lemon, scientists have found

(ORDO NEWS) -- It is impossible to overdo it with sour - even a small

Does a person have a soul

(ORDO NEWS) -- For many decades, scientists have been wrestling with the question of the