Ownership / Funding Information

ORDO News takes immense pride in being an independent and privately owned global news agency, distinct from any affiliations with government bodies, political organizations, or corporate entities. Our journalistic ethos revolves around unwavering dedication to editorial autonomy, ensuring that our team of skilled journalists operates with the utmost impartiality and integrity in every facet of reporting.

As a self-sustained entity, the funding that fuels ORDO News is derived primarily from a balanced mix of advertising revenue, subscription models, and partnerships forged with esteemed organizations that share our steadfast commitment to fostering high-caliber journalism. These financial avenues empower us to maintain our unyielding editorial independence, as the content we produce remains untouched by the influence of funding sources, guaranteeing an unfiltered and genuine news experience for our audience.

It is our unwavering pledge to our readers that ORDO News consistently upholds the gold standard in journalism, characterized by unwavering transparency and accountability. We take this responsibility seriously, ensuring that our news coverage remains anchored in accuracy, fairness, and an uncompromising pursuit of truth in every piece of content we present. Through these principles, we aim to provide a reliable, insightful, and unbiased source of news that empowers individuals to make informed decisions about the world around them.

For every information or for every question you can contact us in every time on our email addresses as we show:

NEWSROOM OFFICE: [email protected]

PRESS DEPARTMENT: [email protected]


MARKETING DEPARTMENT: [email protected]