Corrections Policy

ORDO News is a prominent worldwide news agency that delivers up-to-the-minute news and updates on a global scale. With a dedicated team of journalists and correspondents spread across the world, ORDO News ensures comprehensive coverage of breaking news, politics, technology, science, entertainment, and more. As a reputable source of information, their website,, serves as a reliable platform where audiences can stay informed about the latest events shaping our interconnected world.

At ORDO News, we uphold the highest standards of accuracy and accountability in our reporting. We are committed to promptly correcting any errors and providing transparent information to our readers.

Identifying Errors: If you come across any factual inaccuracies, typographical errors, misattributions, or any other mistakes in our published content, we encourage you to bring them to our attention. Your vigilance assists us in maintaining the integrity of our news coverage.

Reporting Corrections: To report an error, you can contact our editorial team directly through the designated communication channels provided on our website. Please include the specific details of the error, the article title, publication date, and a brief description of the correction needed.

Verification Process: Upon receiving a correction request, our editorial team will carefully review the information provided. We will verify the accuracy of the claim and assess whether a correction is warranted based on our editorial guidelines.

Correction Types: In instances where an error is substantiated, we will promptly make the necessary corrections to the article. Corrections may include amendments to factual inaccuracies, clarifications, or updates to reflect the accurate information.

Visibility of Corrections: Corrections will be clearly marked within the article to ensure transparency and accountability. The nature of the correction will be explained, along with a note indicating when the correction was made.

Acknowledging Corrections: We are committed to acknowledging and addressing errors transparently. Our readers deserve accurate information, and we take responsibility for any deviations from that commitment.

Feedback and Engagement: We appreciate the vigilance of our readers in holding us accountable. Your feedback helps us maintain the quality and reliability of our news content. While we strive to minimize errors, your engagement contributes to the ongoing improvement of our reporting.

Continuous Improvement: Our Corrections Policy reflects our dedication to continuous improvement. By promptly addressing errors and enhancing accuracy, we aim to fortify the trust and credibility that you, our readers, place in us.

Thank you for your unwavering support and for joining us in our pursuit of delivering accurate, insightful, and impactful news coverage at ORDO News.

For every information or for every question you can contact us in every time on our email addresses as we show:

NEWSROOM OFFICE: [email protected]

PRESS DEPARTMENT: [email protected]


MARKETING DEPARTMENT: [email protected]