If there is no oxygen in space, how does the Sun burn?

NEW YORK, BRONX (ORDO News) -- The universe is full of complex questions, but sometimes

Scientists found out when our Sun will die

(ORDO NEWS) -- Employees of the European Space Agency (ESA) while working on the Gaia

High-energy protons continue to bombard the Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- For the second day in a row, high-energy protons from a solar

Sun will soon reach its maximum — something for humanity to prepare for

(ORDO NEWS) -- Very soon, the Sun will reach its maximum activity. This phenomenon is

Strong magnetic storm covers Earth: how to protect yourself

(ORDO NEWS) -- On Wednesday, May 24, scientists promise the peak of a several-day magnetic

Where in the Milky Way did the sun form?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Stars such as our Sun form in common clusters with other similar

Astronomers have combined 90,000 photos of the Sun

(ORDO NEWS) -- What you are actually seeing is 90,000 individual photographs stitched together to

Sun probably swallowed the planet in the past

(ORDO NEWS) -- There is a hypothesis that in the distant past, the Sun swallowed

Water molecules on Earth are older than the Sun

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers have determined that water molecules travel from the interstellar medium directly

A flare on the Sun left part of the Earth without communication

(ORDO NEWS) -- It is known that on March 11, a coronal emission occurred on