Secrets of black gold: where does oil come from?

(ORDO NEWS) -- You've probably heard the claim that oil comes from dinosaurs, and when

The era of cheap oil is over

(ORDO NEWS) -- Oil prices continue to rise, and OPEC + is going to keep

Benefits and harms of olive oil for the body

(ORDO NEWS) -- Olive oil is one of the healthiest vegetable oils on earth. It

Setting a ceiling on the price of Russian oil impedes the shipping of black gold

(ORDO NEWS) -- The entry into force of a European embargo on Russian oil and

OPEC+ agreed to cut oil production by two million barrels per day

(ORDO NEWS) -- OPEC+ members have agreed to cut oil production by two million barrels

US is waiting for the same energy nightmare as in Europe

(ORDO NEWS) -- Biden decided to practically stop the leasing of sites for oil and

Oil prices fell by almost 30% in two months

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the past two months, oil prices have been falling after a

Oil drilling unearths 2,000-year-old cemetery with giant urn-like tombs in southwest Iran

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Ahvaz, the capital of the province of Khuzestan in southwestern Iran,

Oil exploration in the Arctic terrifies narwhals

(ORDO NEWS) -- Although at first glance oil exploration should not affect the health of

Man is responsible for more than 90% of the world’s oil slicks

(ORDO NEWS) -- Chinese and American scientists have found that human-caused oil spills in the

Scientist warns huge tanker could spill 1 million barrels of oil into ocean

(ORDO NEWS) -- A scientist is sounding the alarm about a huge oil tanker that

40-year-old woman washed her face only with oil and rejuvenated

(ORDO NEWS) -- Brenda Gabrielle, 40, explained that oil washing helped her keep her youth.