At ORDO News, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of accuracy, integrity, and transparency in all our news reporting and content dissemination. We understand the importance of delivering reliable and credible information to our audience, and we take any potential inaccuracies or errors seriously.

If you have identified any information on ORDO News that you believe to be inaccurate, incomplete, or in need of correction, we encourage you to notify us promptly. Your feedback helps us maintain the quality and credibility of our news platform.

To request a correction, please utilize the form provided below. When submitting your correction request, please include the following details:

  1. Nature of the Error: Please describe the specific error or inaccuracy that you have identified. Be as detailed as possible in explaining the issue.
  2. Affected Content: Provide the title, URL, or other identifying information of the news article or content where the error appears.
  3. Supporting Evidence: If available, please include any supporting evidence, sources, or references that demonstrate the correct information.

Our editorial team will review your correction request thoroughly and take appropriate action to address the error. This may include issuing a correction notice, updating the content, or conducting further investigation as necessary.

We are committed to transparency and accountability in our reporting practices, and we value your contribution to ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the news content provided by ORDO News.

Thank you for your assistance in maintaining the trust and confidence of our audience. Your feedback is invaluable in our ongoing efforts to deliver accurate and credible news coverage.


Editor-in-Chief ORDO News