Ad Choices

At ORDO News, we believe in providing you with a personalized and relevant online experience. We work with third-party advertising partners to display ads that align with your interests and preferences. However, we also respect your right to choose the types of ads you see online.

What Are Ad Choices?

Ad Choices is a program that allows you to take control of your online advertising experience. It empowers you to make informed decisions about the types of ads you encounter while browsing the web. With Ad Choices, you have the following options:

1. Interest-Based Advertising (IBA) Preferences

You can choose to opt out of Interest-Based Advertising (IBA), also known as personalized advertising. IBA involves the use of cookies and similar technologies to collect data about your online activities and interests. By opting out of IBA, you may see fewer ads that are tailored to your preferences.

2. Advertiser-Specific Opt-Outs

Some advertisers provide their own opt-out mechanisms, allowing you to exclude yourself from their specific ad targeting. This can be especially useful if you prefer not to see ads from particular advertisers.

3. Enhanced Privacy Controls

You can manage your ad preferences and privacy settings through various platforms and tools, such as the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) WebChoices tool or the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) Opt-Out Tool. These platforms provide you with comprehensive options for customizing your ad experience.

Your Privacy, Your Choice

We respect your privacy choices, and we want to ensure that your online experience aligns with your preferences. ORDO News is committed to transparency and adheres to industry standards for responsible advertising practices.

To exercise your Ad Choices preferences and explore more about your options, please visit the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) WebChoices tool or the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) Opt-Out Tool. These platforms provide step-by-step guidance on how to customize your ad experience.

Your control over Ad Choices allows you to enjoy a more personalized and enjoyable online experience while maintaining your privacy.

Thank you for choosing ORDO News, and we appreciate your trust in us to provide you with the freedom to make informed choices about the ads you encounter while browsing our website.