Human stays dug up from yard in Los Angeles neighborhood linked to person lacking for almost 6 months

Homicide detectives in a Los Angeles neighborhood dug up what are believed to be the

CEO Reminds Every person His Company Collects Customers’ Sleep Files

An anonymous reader quotes a report from 404 Media: Matteo Franceschetti, the CEO of Eight

Two reporters, third person killed in rocket strike come Lebanon-Israel border – convey media

Two journalists working for a Lebanon-based TV channel and a third person were killed by

Scientists found out how many steps a person should take per day

(ORDO NEWS) -- Walking is an affordable physical activity. It is necessary for a person

New version of ChatGPT GPT-4 has already managed to deceive a person

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to a long document published by OpenAI during the presentation of

What will happen to a person in a black hole?

(ORDO NEWS) -- The fate of a person who fell into a black hole will

Scientists have found that a person can remember the location of more than 100 objects

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experiments have shown that humans have good spatial memory. “People often think

Grief for a pet can be stronger than for a person, and that’s okay

(ORDO NEWS) -- Many pet owners know that our emotional bonds with animals can be

Trees in the city can extend a person’s life

(ORDO NEWS) -- A 30-year tree planting campaign in Portland, Oregon allowed researchers to show

Scientists have discovered the maximum age to which a person can live

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers from Singapore-based biotech company Gero and the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer

Why lightning strikes a person and how to escape from it

(ORDO NEWS) -- Lightning rarely strikes people directly, but that doesn't mean you're safe during