Vanga vs. Nostradamus, or What the famous prophets predicted for 2021

(ORDO NEWS) -- We found out which predictions came true and what to expect in

Nostradamus’s prediction of the third world war discovered

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers have found in the quatrains of Nostradamus a mention of the

8 predictions of Nostradamus for 2021

(ORDO NEWS) -- After the 2020 coronavirus pandemic and various cataclysms, it is difficult to

Terrible predictions of Nostradamus: what awaits humanity in 2021

(ORDO NEWS) -- After all that has happened this year, it's hard to surprise people

7 fulfilled prophecies of Nostradamus

(ORDO NEWS) -- On December 14, 1503, Michel de Nostradamus was born in the town

US elections 2020: did Nostradamus predict Donald Trump’s victory this year?

(ORDO NEWS) -- The US elections this year may end quite unexpectedly, as Donald Trump's