Will Omicron help form herd immunity

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists suggest that neither the highly infectious Omicron strain, nor any other

3 main symptoms of Omicron in children

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new strain of coronavirus Omicron can affect not only adults, but

What is the protection against Omicron in people who have already had COVID-19

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists were able to establish that the natural immune response does not

Immunity resistant to Omicron found in people who have been vaccinated

(ORDO NEWS) -- Employees at the Massachusetts General Hospital have recorded that many people who

Is booster vaccination against Omicron effective?

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Dutch National Institute of Health (RIVM) has published the results of

Antibodies to Omicron found in US wild deer

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experts from around the world are worried that new mutations of the

Doctors have called a symptom of Omicron reminiscent of overwork

(ORDO NEWS) -- NHS doctors have warned that soreness in the muscles and joints, especially

Rash and Chapped Lips New Symptoms of Omicron Revealed

(ORDO NEWS) -- The developers of the special application ZOE Covid Study, which is used

Estimated risk of being hospitalized if infected with Omicron

(ORDO NEWS) -- Omicron is not as dangerous as other variants of COVID-19. This statement