Illumination of nets reduced by-catch and death of marine animals

(ORDO NEWS) -- Green lights attached to fishing nets reduce the number of accidental deaths

Scientists have learned to determine the risk of death in a new way

(ORDO NEWS) -- Chinese scientist Zhuoting Zhu and his colleagues have learned to determine the

Scientists have learned to predict death by the eyes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Chinese, Australian and German scientists joined forces and conducted a new study,

Julius Caesar’s ambitious plans before his death

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the final period of his life, Gaius Julius Caesar was preparing

Olive Oil May Reduce Risk Of Premature Death, Scientists Find Out

(ORDO NEWS) -- A Harvard University study found that using olive oil may protect against

Astronomers track the death of a red supergiant for the first time

(ORDO NEWS) -- Unique observations have shown that stars can undergo profound internal changes, emitting

Cancer death rate reaches 10 million worldwide

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the United States learned that from 2010 to 2019, deaths

Famous neuropsychiatrist told what people see a few weeks before death

(ORDO NEWS) -- The hidden side of near-death experiences may sound like science fiction, but

Death at a wedding: the groom died a couple of minutes before marriage

(ORDO NEWS) -- Literally 8 days before Paul Wynn died, he was given a terrible

81 degrees heat: new temperature record in Death Valley

(ORDO NEWS) -- An incredible heat wave swept over the West of the United States,