All-round cameras capture a bright fiery phenomenon in the USA

(ORDO NEWS) -- The bright fireball was spotted by a 360 degree camera network in

A very rare snake found in the USA – the second time in 60 years

(ORDO NEWS) -- The discovery of the wild-born eastern indigo snake marks the success of

Smart pistols will appear in the USA

(ORDO NEWS) -- Smart pistols that can only be fired by authorized users may soon

Ghost ship missing in the 17th century was discovered in the USA

(ORDO NEWS) -- On the Great Lakes in the United States, the wreckage of the

In the USA, a girl with her messages drove a guy to suicide

(ORDO NEWS) -- Inen Yu, just 23, previously attended Boston College. She, according to the

USA, UK and Spain may disappear in the next 100 years

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Bulgarian publication Trud has compiled a list of countries that are

Birds die en masse in the USA: the cause of animal deaths is unknown

(ORDO NEWS) -- Songbirds have begun to die in the Central Atlantic United States. Many

The fall of a meteorite was observed in the sky over Minnesota, USA

(ORDO NEWS) -- A bright fireball swept across the sky over Minnesota at about 08:03