Underground city of the 8th century discovered by builders in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the Turkish province of Konya, an underground city was discovered during

3,800-year-old cylinder seal found in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- During the excavations of the Tepebag mound, located in the center of

Urartian fortress discovered in eastern Turkey at an altitude of 3300 meters

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the Gurpinar district of the city of Van, located in eastern

Sacred center of ancient Assyria found underground in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- Turkish archaeologists have described an underground complex discovered during rescue excavations in

Neo-Assyrian underground complex discovered under house in southeast Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- An Iron Age underground complex has been discovered in Turkey that may

In Turkey, under the house found a secret chamber with ancient drawings

(ORDO NEWS) -- An unexpected discovery has revealed ancient artwork that was once part of

Unique 1800-year-old marble bathtub discovered in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- The 1800-year-old marble bathtub, which was seized when it was going to

Huge underground city discovered in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- Archaeologists in Turkey have discovered a massive underground city that they believe

Remains of 8,500-year-old wooden stairs found in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- The remains of a wooden staircase were first discovered at Çatalhöyük, one

Records of military campaigns carved in marble found in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Turkey, archaeologists during survey work on the territory of the ancient

A black goat without wool was born in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- The inhabitants of Mersina (Turkey) were shocked by a strange case: a