Potentially habitable ocean planet found 100 light-years from Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Super-Earth TOI-1452 b is completely covered in liquid water, making it suitable

Ocean-covered planet found in nearby star system

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of astronomers has announced the discovery of an exoplanet

Mass extinctions in the ocean linked to the movement of the continents

(ORDO NEWS) -- Continental drift could wipe out marine life, scientists at the University of

Consequences of warming for the deep part of the ocean are revealed

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists at Queen Mary University of London have created a new model

Ocean may store far less carbon than we hoped

(ORDO NEWS) --  The oceans are one of the most important carbon sinks on our

Ancient deep ocean Vampire is really terrible

(ORDO NEWS) -- The fearsome "vampire" predator that lurked in Earth's oceans more than 160

Scientists find antibiotics on plastic debris in the ocean to fight resistant superbugs

(ORDO NEWS) -- Microorganisms living on ocean plastic debris could replace antibiotics to protect people

Deepest point of the fifth ocean of the Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers have published the most detailed map to date of Antarctica's cold

Millions of shipwrecks that have died in the ocean are changing lives in the depths of the sea

(ORDO NEWS) -- There are an estimated three million shipwrecks on the seafloor around the

Warmer the ocean, the more predators it contains

(ORDO NEWS) -- To study the possible effect of global warming on marine communities, scientists

Phenomenon of long-lived ocean eddies explained

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the Department of Oceanography of the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)