Young Mars could cover an ocean up to a kilometer deep

(ORDO NEWS) -- The isotopic composition of Martian meteorites showed that 4.5 billion years ago

Ancient traces of a giant ocean just discovered on Mars

(ORDO NEWS) -- You are no doubt familiar with the dry and dusty appearance of

Ancient ocean coast found on Mars

(ORDO NEWS) -- Not far from the Martian crater Gale, traces left by water flows

Ocean is a living thing, scientists say

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to the authors of the study, the world's oceans are at

Scientists : Dead creatures in the ocean can influence earthquakes

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Hikurangi subduction zone is the largest fault in the vicinity of

An underwater ocean has been discovered in the Earth’s mantle

(ORDO NEWS) -- Geologists have determined that the diamond sample found in Botswana comes from

An ocean discovered underground is 6 times the volume of all the oceans on the planet

(ORDO NEWS) -- The diamond discovered by scientists made it possible to find out that

Climatologists ocean cooling is not able to reduce the number of hurricanes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Artificial cooling of the oceans cannot work as a means of combating

Marine predators use anticyclonic currents to search for food in the ocean

(ORDO NEWS) -- Marine predatory fish in the nutrient-poor North Pacific congregate in anticyclonic currents,

Humanity can start mining from the bottom of the ocean in a year

(ORDO NEWS) -- A year ago, the International Seabed Authority (ISA) adopted an agreement that