American startup could revolutionize energy

(ORDO NEWS) -- Startup Zap Energy is trying to induce nuclear fusion reactions using one

Japan launches giant turbine into the ocean to generate ‘limitless’ energy

(ORDO NEWS) -- Deep underwater, there is a source of energy quite unlike any other.

New generation energy clusters: what energy sources will replace conventional power plants

(ORDO NEWS) -- The laboratory of low temperatures and strong magnetic fields created at the

Casimir effect or getting energy from nothing

(ORDO NEWS) -- Creating a device capable of generating energy from “nothing” is a problem

Tiny heat engine with no moving parts reaches incredible energy milestone

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists hope that solid-state thermophotovoltaic cells (SPVs) with no moving parts can

In Japan, the main railway was completely transferred to work from renewable energy sources

(ORDO NEWS) -- Tokyu Railways trains passing through Shibuya and other stations have been switched

10 most promising alternative energy sources: greener future

(ORDO NEWS) -- Our civilization needs huge amounts of energy - for any kind of

Scientists managed to get energy from the void by reproducing the mysterious Schwinger effect

(ORDO NEWS) -- Humanity has long dreamed of a technology for obtaining energy from the

Experimental European fusion reactor produces a record amount of energy

(ORDO NEWS) -- The experimental European fusion reactor Joint European Torus in Oxford, UK, set

Expanding renewable energy need not hinder conservation efforts

(ORDO NEWS) -- A study led by the University of Southampton has found that expanding

New system for powering small satellites with energy using a laser

(ORDO NEWS) -- The University of Surrey, UK, and Space Power are tackling the problem