Archaeologists have discovered an ancient piece weighing 600 tons

(ORDO NEWS) -- Not far from the small Japanese city of Takasago , archaeologists were

Unknown life forms discovered in ancient lava caves in Hawaii

(ORDO NEWS) -- In lava tubes, volcanic vents and geothermal caves on the island of

Unsolved mystery of the Ancient “Drop Stones”

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Dropa stones are one of the most controversial discoveries in human

830 million year old organisms found in ancient salt crystal

(ORDO NEWS) -- Organisms 830 million years old have been found in an ancient salt

Most distant and incredibly ancient single star has just been discovered

(ORDO NEWS) -- At a distance of billions of light years across the vast gap

A way to restore ancient smells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Modern people already know quite a lot about the life of their

In a pile of garbage found the ancient name of God

(ORDO NEWS) -- The discoverer believes that the "curse tablet" he discovered is 3200 years

Traces of ancient meteorites

(ORDO NEWS) -- In its 4.5 billion years, the surface of the Earth has been

Samples of ancient ice point to unusual solar activity

(ORDO NEWS) -- Until now, it was believed that solar storms are strongest during periods

Ancient and modern medicine

(ORDO NEWS) -- Ancient medicine has always attracted scientists. Many scholars have studied Egyptian papyri

Flow of ancient megastreams depended on the tilt of the earth’s crust

(ORDO NEWS) -- The redistribution of the mass of ice sheets at the end of