Childhood trauma was the cause of the development of multiple sclerosis in women

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have found that those who experienced childhood trauma are more likely

Experts warn of the dangers of antibiotics for middle-aged women

(ORDO NEWS) -- New research has shown that prolonged use of antibiotics can cause serious

Women gave stability to the ancient society of the Orkney Islands

(ORDO NEWS) -- The settlements of the Bronze Age flourished thanks to the fact that

Archaeologists have discovered two rock carvings of women in labor on the Yenisei

(ORDO NEWS) -- Siberian archaeologists discovered two rock carvings of women in childbirth on the

6 stereotypes about men and women, confirmed by science

(ORDO NEWS) -- Ladies, do not be offended, but men are better at navigating the

Why did women faint so often in the 19th century

(ORDO NEWS) -- It seems as if women in the 19th century fainted from any

3 Women Who Led Powerful African Empires

(ORDO NEWS) -- Long before the European colonization of Africa, powerful kingdoms and empires flourished

Could 18th century cosmetics kill women

(ORDO NEWS) -- The makeup of the 18th century was deadly. Scientists figured out why

Scientists have discovered differences in the wisdom of men and women

(ORDO NEWS) -- Wisdom is the degree of knowledge of the surrounding world, one of

Pain in the left hypochondrium in women and men

(ORDO NEWS) -- Under the ribs on the left are organs that are vital. Violation

Scientists: breast milk of women with covid is safe

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of doctors from the United States analyzed the breast milk