A Major UN Climate Change report was just approved by nearly 200 Nations

(ORDO NEWS) -- Nearly 200 nations approved a major UN climate change report detailing the

U.N. panel warns of Global Warming’s toll on Humans and Nature

(ORDO NEWS) -- Over the past 70 years, humanity has made great strides on a

UN report warns climate change could lead to a 50% increase in wildfires by 2100

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the past few years, forest fires have flared up around the

UN report : North Korea builds hypersonic missiles with stolen Cryptocurrency

(ORDO NEWS) -- North Korea is funding its missile program with cryptocurrency that was stolen

UN data shows ‘almost insurmountable’ scale of school losses due to Covid

(ORDO NEWS) -- Up to 70% of 10-year-olds in low- and middle-income countries lack basic

UN warned of the emergence of a more dangerous strain of COVID-19

(ORDO NEWS) -- The UN is confident that a completely new strain of coronavirus may

UN Secretary General warns of new pandemic

(ORDO NEWS) -- UN Secretary General Antonio Geterres announced that the coronavirus pandemic will not

UN experts said the Earth is warming up faster than previously thought

(ORDO NEWS) -- UN experts have provided another report on how the average temperature on

UN spokesman warns world of food shortage threat

(ORDO NEWS) -- As a result of the crisis caused by the pandemic, the world

Meeting of a US Air Force military helicopter with a UFO

(ORDO NEWS) -- Incredibly, the US Army did not prevent Coyne and his subordinates from

UN calls the prison at Guantanamo Bay a shame for the world community

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The prison at the American military base Guantanamo is a