Strange star survived a supernova explosion, but shines even brighter than before

(ORDO NEWS) -- When it comes to leaving in style, nothing beats the passing of

For the first time about the supernova of 1054 in Europe told with the help of Byzantine coins

(ORDO NEWS) -- The first mention in European culture of the historical supernova SN 1054,

Star discovered that survived a supernova explosion and remained unharmed

(ORDO NEWS) -- A supernova is a bright stellar explosion. Supernovae, proceeding with the participation

White dwarf survives supernova explosion and becomes brighter than before

(ORDO NEWS) -- A small star "reborn" after a cosmic catastrophe and even increased its

Extraterrestrial rock found in Egypt could be Earth’s first evidence of rare supernova

(ORDO NEWS) -- "Standard Candle" (or Type Ia) supernova explosions are among the most energetic

Unstable binary binary star system could go into a Type Ia supernova

(ORDO NEWS) -- Multiple star systems are very common in the Milky Way. Although most

Extraterrestrial rock formed by supernova explosion found in Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- The researchers said that the unique stone found in Egypt did not

What is a supernova and where does it come from

(ORDO NEWS) -- A supernova is the explosion of a star. This is the biggest

Astronomers have discovered a quadruple star system that can cause supernova explosions

(ORDO NEWS) -- A quadruple star system discovered in 2017 and recently observed by Canterbury

Hadar is a double star that could soon become a supernova

(ORDO NEWS) -- Hadar (also known as Agena) is a star that is visible from

Catch a shooting star or the suspense of a supernova

(ORDO NEWS) -- If Stephen Smartt is lucky, he may one day receive a message

Supernova reveals its secrets to astronomers

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of astronomers led by Benjamin Thomas of the University