In Norway, comparing glaciers today and in photographs a hundred years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- A Norwegian photographer compared the state of the glacier thanks to photographs

2,000-year-old ceramic factory found in Norway

(ORDO NEWS) -- 2000 years ago, people made pottery in this factory. The journal Science

Norway’s oldest 3,000-year-old shoe recovered from melting glacier

(ORDO NEWS) -- A 3,000-year-old small Bronze Age leather shoe, owned by a woman or

3,000-year-old leather boot found in Norway’s melting ice

(ORDO NEWS) -- A group of Norwegian scientists have discovered an ancient boot from the

1500 year old feathered arrow found in Norway

(ORDO NEWS) -- Due to the fact that ice sheets began to melt in Norway,

Archaeologists find an ancient leather shoe that melted out of a glacier in Norway

(ORDO NEWS) -- Norwegian archaeologists reported on the results of the study of the Hestfonni

1,700-year-old weapons discovered in Norway’s melting glaciers

(ORDO NEWS) -- Archaeologists in Norway have unearthed weapons and caches on a remote mountain

Melting glacier in Norway reveals new prehistoric artifacts

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Norway, the archaeological mission of the project "Secrets of Ice" released

In Norway, found a mysterious object with ancient runes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Archaeologists working at the Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage conducted excavations in

Norwegian company wants to kill hurricanes with bubbles

(ORDO NEWS) -- The average water temperature in the world's oceans is gradually increasing and

Viking waterway found in Scotland

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the University of St Andrews and the University of the

Norwegian billionaire detained for killing his wife

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- In Norway, police detained billionaire Tom Hagen on suspicion of