Fish lose their color as coral reefs shrink

(ORDO NEWS) -- Fish communities on Australia's famous Great Barrier Reef may become less colorful

Scientists have described a new species of rainbow fish

(ORDO NEWS) -- For many decades, it was believed that the stunning multi-colored wrasses that

Man spends too much forage fish to produce salmon. This will lead to a food crisis.

(ORDO NEWS) -- The problem of overfishing has long existed in the world. Many species

New experiments confirm that fish are self-aware

(ORDO NEWS) -- Of the 18 fish, 17 responded to a visual cue in the

Large fish and octopuses found in the vicinity of the North Pole

(ORDO NEWS) -- Unexpectedly for themselves, oceanologists discovered that quite a lot of large cod

Man has destroyed more than 85% of the fish that live in coral reefs

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study by scientists from the School of Marine and Atmospheric

Scientists have created a “fish” from human heart cells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from Harvard and Emory Universities were able to grow a real

Scientists have created a fish from human heart cells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from Harvard and Emory Universities were able to grow a real

Ancient Siberians fermented fish in two-meter pits, archaeologists found out

(ORDO NEWS) -- Archaeological work at the Tartas-1 site in the Novosibirsk region made it

Fish Have ‘Talked’ For 155 Million Years, And Now You Can Hear Their ‘Voices’

(ORDO NEWS) -- All manner of croaks, chirps, and deep trombone moans permeate Earth's waters,

Hundreds of Strange, Tiny Fossils Found Inside Fish Cranium From 9 Million Years Ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- In a first for paleontology, scientists have found hundreds of tiny, fossilized

Scientists have found fish that can “speak”

(ORDO NEWS) -- Fish can "speak" - there are at least 175 families of ray-finned