Giant tree trunk crater discovered on Mars

(ORDO NEWS) -- The ExoMars Trace Gas (TGO) orbiter, cruising over Mars, has discovered a

9 new coronaviruses discovered

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of scientists has discovered previously unknown RNA viruses, including

Signs of an Unknown Solar ‘Tsunami’ Have Been Discovered Deep Inside Earth’s Ice

(ORDO NEWS) -- Deep beneath the ice in Greenland and Antarctica, researchers have found signs

An object unknown to science has been discovered in the Milky Way

(ORDO NEWS) -- Australian astronomers have spotted a strange rotating object in the Milky Way

It can be dangerous for people: a new coronavirus was discovered in South Africa

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have found that the bat coronavirus NeoCov, which was recently discovered

Strange object discovered by astronomers in space

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers have discovered for the first time a mysterious object that emits

Mysterious Energy Source Discovered Like Nothing Astronomers Have Seen Before

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team studying radio waves in the universe has discovered something unusual

In South Africa, a ufologist discovered a huge UFO

(ORDO NEWS) -- The famous ufologist Scott Waring, using the Google Earth service, studied the

Graeco-Roman Tomb With 20 Mummies Discovered In Aswan

(ORDO NEWS) -- A very large and previously unknown family tomb has been discovered and

Coal-black exoplanet discovered in the Milky Way

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers have discovered the galaxy's darkest planet, an extraterrestrial world blacker than

New features of chimpanzee learning discovered

(ORDO NEWS) --  Scientists have shown that chimpanzees can rarely invent complex ways to use

Unusual black hole discovered in nearby galaxy

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers have discovered a black hole unlike any other. This black hole