Revealed the secret of the success of the first dinosaurs

(ORDO NEWS) -- Dinosaurs began to dominate the Earth about 200 million years ago, at

If dinosaurs hadn’t died out, what then?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Imagine highly evolved predatory dinosaurs planting a flag on the moon... If

Dinosaurs were not going to die out when an asteroid hit Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- At the time of the meteorite fall to Earth, dinosaurs dominated all

Why dinosaurs died out, but mammals and birds did not

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of paleontologists conducted a study of 1,600 described species

Humans and Dinosaurs: Mystery encoded in the Ica Stones

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 1961, the Rio Ica overflowed its banks and flooded part of

Paleontologists have canceled the supersonic tails of dinosaurs

(ORDO NEWS) --  The large herbivorous lizards of the Jurassic period did not know how

Who lived on Earth before the dinosaurs

(ORDO NEWS) -- Surely, when you mention dinosaurs, you have many questions related to these

What would dinosaurs look like today if they hadn’t gone extinct?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Imagine that 66 million years ago an asteroid flew by and the

Scientists have figured out how dinosaurs managed to stand on two legs

(ORDO NEWS) -- Most reptiles, both extinct and modern, move on four legs, but dinosaurs

Star Nemesis : The secret twin of the Sun could cause a mass extinction and the death of dinosaurs

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have collected enough data to suggest that somewhere in the outskirts

A hairy snail crawled under the feet of dinosaurs

(ORDO NEWS) -- A strange mollusk lived on our planet 99 million years ago and