Birds began distributing plant seeds 120 million years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- Paleontologists have found that primitive birds from the genus Jeholornis, which lived

Birds fall to the ground in Spain due to heat

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the city of Valladolid in northwestern Spain, where temperatures hit an

Drone is able to fly through the forest faster than birds

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of researchers from the University of Zurich has developed a

Survival of one of the largest birds is threatened by house mice

(ORDO NEWS) -- The house mouse is one of the most dangerous invasive species, and,

Ancient Australians stole and ate the eggs of two-meter flightless birds

(ORDO NEWS) -- The researchers concluded that the ancient Australians ate the eggs of giant

Murmatia: How do giant flocks of birds maintain such cohesion?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Few things are more impressive or astounding than a large flock of

Don’t trust the birds they can pretend to be injured for protection

(ORDO NEWS) -- It's amazing how many bird families have learned to feign injury. Cunning

Proximity to the equator has increased the color diversity of passerine birds

(ORDO NEWS) -- Passerine birds with a wide variety of colors live in the tropics,

Birds lay their eggs earlier, and climate change is to blame

(ORDO NEWS) -- Spring is in the air. Birds sing and start building their nests.

Birds in the mythology of the ancient Slavs

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Slavic mythology, the image of a bird was given special significance.