Oil exploration in the Arctic terrifies narwhals

(ORDO NEWS) -- Although at first glance oil exploration should not affect the health of

Arctic warming 7 times faster than global average

(ORDO NEWS) -- The British online edition "The Independent" with reference to the journal "Scientific

New data suggest extreme temperature increase in the Arctic

(ORDO NEWS) -- New data reveal unusually high rates of global warming in the Arctic,

What will happen to our planet if methane deposits are discovered in the Arctic depths

(ORDO NEWS) -- At the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, under the thickness of the

Named the consequences of climate change dangerous for humans in the Arctic

(ORDO NEWS) -- Due to climate change in the Arctic, new diseases may appear in

What kind of “monster” scientists have extracted from the ice of the Arctic

(ORDO NEWS) -- "Little monster" biologists found in the ice in the Arctic. It is

Record-breaking heatwaves hit Antarctica and the Arctic at the same time

(ORDO NEWS) -- This week, Antarctica and the Arctic have experienced record-breaking heatwaves at the

A giant funnel has opened up in the Arctic seabed

(ORDO NEWS) -- Giant "karst sinkholes" - one of which could swallow up an entire

Deep insights into the Arctic of tomorrow

(ORDO NEWS) -- Hundreds of international researchers are currently analyzing observations from the one-year MOSAiC

Polestar tears up the Arctic with a special edition electric rally car

(ORDO NEWS) -- Using its all-electric five-door fastback as a jumping off point, Polestar has