Whales memorize and reproduce each other’s songs with high fidelity

(ORDO NEWS) -- Until now, the ability to imitate - the exact repetition of the

Scientists have found out why whales prefer to give birth to cubs in shallow water

(ORDO NEWS) -- The shallow coastal waters seem like an odd choice for an 80-ton

Scientists evaluate the diet of polar killer whales on samples of subcutaneous fat

(ORDO NEWS) -- Studying the diets of wild animals is often difficult, but now there

A little-studied species of whales turned out to be a high-speed diver

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of scientists has obtained new data on the behavior

Giants of the oceans with humpback whales

(ORDO NEWS) -- Seascape photographer Kurt Arrigo is one of the world's most renowned underwater

Scientists told about the hunting of killer whales for blue whales

(ORDO NEWS) -- Predatory killer whales were able to attack even blue whales, the largest

Scientists discover why whales don’t drown when they swallow krill

(ORDO NEWS) -- Whales are big drinkers. In just ten seconds, these giant mammals can

Scientists are working on artificial intelligence that will allow us to communicate with whales

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of scientists of different specialties launched a project to decipher

Whales blamed for shark attack on humans

(ORDO NEWS) -- Over the past five weeks, four shark attacks on humans have occurred