German veterinarians cured aggressive pig from alcoholism

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Germany, veterinarians managed cure alcoholism of a domestic pig named Eberhard.

Is it really all a myth that official science considers them to be

(ORDO NEWS) -- Today, we published some of the most striking examples of how science

Helpers and threat: what can cyborg cockroaches do

(ORDO NEWS) -- Cyborg insects have existed for many years, but so far only within

First science targets announced to be revealed on July 12 in full webb imagery

(ORDO NEWS) -- NASA announced Friday that the first images of the universe from the

Named ordinary things that science can not explain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Science is very important in the life of mankind. With its help,

How do sunspots affect space weather

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomy instills humility. But we humans like to feel special. This desire

Can science prove the existence of God

(ORDO NEWS) -- If we want to get answers to questions about the size, structure

What is a hangover according to science and how to get rid of it?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Alcohol is almost an indispensable companion of any holiday in many human

How to beat procrastination according to science?

(ORDO NEWS) -- How to deal with procrastination? How to do all your business on

Found strange objects that defy science

(ORDO NEWS) -- Astronomers have discovered a special type of small but super-hot stars, externally

60 percent of deep sea creatures are unknown to science

(ORDO NEWS) -- Large-scale sequencing of eukaryotic DNA collected from deep ocean sediments has shown

Scientists on the side of science fiction: popular theories about parallel worlds

(ORDO NEWS) -- Stories about parallel dimensions are often found in science fiction. But, oddly