Depression and heart disease are linked

(ORDO NEWS) -- For generations, people have been interested in the connection between mind and

Postpartum depression linked to immune system, study finds

(ORDO NEWS) -- Postpartum depression is thought to affect about 15 percent of women after

Depression changes the properties of immune cells

(ORDO NEWS) -- Using an artificial intelligence algorithm, German scientists compared various characteristics of the

Most effective treatment for depression discovered

(ORDO NEWS) -- The results of a new study conducted by the staff of CAMH

What is depression and how to live with it

(ORDO NEWS) -- March 24 is International Depression Day. On this day, it is customary

Staying at home linked to depression

(ORDO NEWS) -- Homebodies were the most depressed people. Scientists from the UK have said

How Ancient societies grappled to understand and treat depression

(ORDO NEWS) -- Depression is a serious mental disorder and a state of being that

Psilocybin has steadily reversed depression

(ORDO NEWS) -- Previously, clinical trials showed that its effectiveness is slightly higher than that

Hair loss and depression doctors called post-covid symptoms

(ORDO NEWS) -- People who have been ill with COVID-19 experience post-COVID symptoms. They can

5 reasons why social media can lead to depression

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to a study by scientists from Harvard University, social networks can