Named the non-obvious impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global mortality

(ORDO NEWS) -- The COVID-19 pandemic has caused changes in global mortality not seen in

Scientists in the US have created a hybrid COVID-19 with a lethality of 80%. But why

(ORDO NEWS) -- Boston University researchers combined the original Wuhan strain of coronavirus with Omicron

New waves of COVID-19 may be coming, new strains of Omicron suggest

(ORDO NEWS) -- Emerging subvariants have received a combination of mutations that makes them more

Scientists have found out whether vitamin D can protect against COVID-19

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have conducted two fairly large clinical studies to determine whether vitamin

COVID-19 can cause chronic fatigue syndrome

(ORDO NEWS) -- Back when the pandemic first started, many doctors assumed that COVID-19 could

A way has been found to minimize the risk of contracting COVID-19

(ORDO NEWS) -- Regular physical activity has a positive effect on the human body, and

Scientists have found out how many viruses a person infected with Covid-19 exhales

(ORDO NEWS) -- As cases of coronavirus have increased again around the world, scientists conducted

Thousands of women report unusual periods after COVID-19 vaccination

(ORDO NEWS) -- Katherine Clancy received her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in early

It became known where COVID-19 could have appeared for the first time

(ORDO NEWS) -- During the last study, experts analyzed even the data that was obtained

American gets monkeypox and COVID-19 at the same time

(ORDO NEWS) -- A resident of the United States first received a positive test result

Immunity from severe COVID-19 disease does not weaken for years

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to a study by an international team of scientists, natural immunity

Scientists have discovered the cause of “fog in the head” after COVID-19

(ORDO NEWS) -- A small study published by scientists at the US National Institutes of