Astronomers discover clouds of sand in failed star’s atmosphere

(ORDO NEWS) -- New observations from the James Webb Space Telescope have given us direct

How scientists are going to create an atmosphere on Mars

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of scientists led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Artificial intelligence predicts equatorial plasma bubbles in the atmosphere

(ORDO NEWS) -- Data from European SWARM satellites was used to train artificial intelligence to

Scientists have discovered that the Earth’s atmosphere rings like a bell

(ORDO NEWS) -- A team of researchers from the University of Hawaii and the University

Reddening of the satellite of Pluto was explained by the “explosive” pulsation of the atmosphere

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have recreated conditions on the surface of Pluto's moon Charon and

Millions of tons of unusual substance found in the Earth’s atmosphere

(ORDO NEWS) -- A European team of scientists has found that an ultra-reactive chemical persists

Scientists recorded a new maximum of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

(ORDO NEWS) -- Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, which warms the planet, have crossed

A new type of extremely reactive substance discovered in the atmosphere

(ORDO NEWS) -- For the first time, an entirely new class of super-reactive chemical compounds,