Unraveled the mystery of the curse of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

(ORDO NEWS) -- November 4, 1922 Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh

Remains of two young children found in Tutankhamun’s tomb

(ORDO NEWS) -- Almost 100 years ago, British archaeologists managed to find the lost tomb

Scientists have learned the real name of Pharaoh Tutankhamun

(ORDO NEWS) -- Pharaoh Tutankhamun remains known all over the world to this day. He

Egyptologist identified the guarantor of Tutankhamun for a successful life after death

(ORDO NEWS) -- Foreign researchers concluded that the main guarantors of a safe journey to

Revealed new details about the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun

(ORDO NEWS) -- For a long time it was believed that the king had serious

Dagger from King Tutankhamun’s tomb is of extraterrestrial origin

(ORDO NEWS) -- The tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun is located in the Valley of the