Secret of Tutankhamun’s curse is revealed after 100 years

(ORDO NEWS) -- Pharaoh Tutankhamun ascended the throne as a child and died at a

Doctor raised the scissors over the mummy of Tutankhamun. What happened next?

(ORDO NEWS) -- On February 16, 1923, the scientific world was agitated by sensational news

Scientists assure that there are no secret rooms in the tomb of Tutankhamun

(ORDO NEWS) -- Italian scientists conducting their third study of King Tutankhamun's tomb near Luxor

How was the tomb of Tutankhamun found and what secrets does it still hide

(ORDO NEWS) -- Egyptomania has long seemed to us something familiar. Well, who does not

Hundreds of mummies and a pyramid of an unknown queen found near the tomb of Tutankhamun

(ORDO NEWS) -- A stone's throw from King Tutankhamun's tomb, archaeologists have unearthed the tomb

5 clues science unearthed about the mysterious Tutankhamun, ancient Egypt’s boy king

(ORDO NEWS) -- One hundred years ago, our understanding of ancient Egypt changed forever when

Extraterrestrial dagger and other unsolved secrets of Tutankhamun

(ORDO NEWS) -- Exactly one hundred years ago, on November 4, 1922, British archaeologist Howard

Scientists have found lost jewels from Tutankhamun’s tomb

(ORDO NEWS) -- Tutankhamun's tomb was opened in 1922. And 100 years later, some of

Egyptologists named several more reasons for Tutankhamun’s death

(ORDO NEWS) -- Today, Tutankhamun is considered one of the most famous Egyptian pharaohs in