Horizontal skyscraper in Saudi Arabia continues to be built

(ORDO NEWS) -- In early 2021, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the construction

Dystopia in Saudi Arabia : Horizontal skyscraper could become a futuristic hell

(ORDO NEWS) -- Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman plans to build a futuristic metropolis

Skyscraper elevators can become energy accumulators an amazing invention

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers have proposed turning skyscrapers into giant gravitational batteries for surprisingly cheap

Fantastic octagonal skyscraper to be erected in China

(ORDO NEWS) -- Büro Ole Scheeren's stunning new ultra-tall skyscraper set to rise above the

Tallest residential skyscraper in San Francisco goes underground

(ORDO NEWS) -- Erected in 2009, The Millennium Tower in San Francisco has become hugely