Pyramids on the Moon as photographed by NASA’s Lunar Missions

(ORDO NEWS) -- During the last flight of Apollo 17 to the Moon, a picture

Revealed the secret of the ideal location of the pyramids

(ORDO NEWS) -- For centuries, the pyramids of Giza have puzzled researchers not only with

Cosmic rays will help reveal the secrets of the pyramids

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists intend to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza, and for this

Egyptian pyramids to be studied using cosmic rays

(ORDO NEWS) -- It is reported that a group of international scientists decided to study

Palau’s pyramids were built by an advanced civilization

(ORDO NEWS) -- The multidisciplinary team, which included specialists from the University of Kiel and

Who actually built the pyramids in Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- Egyptian pyramids still amaze with their grandeur. Many researchers and archaeologists go

Treasure trove with many artifacts found in the Aztec pyramid

(ORDO NEWS) -- A huge number of ancient artifacts that belonged to the Aztecs are

Ancient Egyptian pyramids were created long before the appearance of the first Egyptians

(ORDO NEWS) -- It is believed that the Great Pyramids were created about four millennia

Older than Egyptian pyramids: 5,500-year-old ruins found in Turkey

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experts have discovered 28 tombs, as well as the ruins of four

Bosnian pyramids could be part of the “space internet”

(ORDO NEWS) -- Semir Osmanagich, who is the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids, said that

1800-year-old bouquets of flowers found under the Mexican pyramid

(ORDO NEWS) -- Mexican archaeologists have discovered bouquets of flowers, which are about 1800 years

Who Built the Egyptian Pyramids?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Not so long ago, archaeologists came to the conclusion: the pyramids were