Scientists forced plants to grow in complete darkness

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers from the University of California, Riverside and the University of Delaware

Scientists have learned to grow plants in total darkness

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Delaware

Plants break the rules of biochemistry by making ‘secret decisions’

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers have just discovered a previously unknown process that explains the "secret

Biologists solve 30-year-old mystery about why touch stresses plants

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have long known that touching plants can trigger a stress response

Bad news: plants grown in lunar soil turned out to be ‘pathetic’

(ORDO NEWS) -- Remember the news that scientists managed to grow plants in lunar soil

We now have proof that plants can grow in lunar soil

(ORDO NEWS) -- More than 50 years after Apollo 11 landed on the rocky surface

Scientists grow plants in lunar soil

(ORDO NEWS) -- Can plants grow in lunar soil? An instructive study recently published in

Scientists grow plants in lunar soil for the first time

(ORDO NEWS) -- The scientists had no idea if anything would grow in the harsh

How the extinction of the dinosaurs changed the evolution of plants

(ORDO NEWS) -- After the extinction of the large flightless dinosaurs 66 million years ago,

Is it necessary to plant plants according to the lunar calendar

(ORDO NEWS) -- It seems, well, what connection can there be between the phases of

Plants that are disappearing due to global warming have been identified

(ORDO NEWS) -- Employees of the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution

How flowers and plants restore peace and soothe pain

(ORDO NEWS) -- Flowers and greenery are a symbol of spring, the coming warmth. We