Which pets can get monkeypox and what to do if it happens

(ORDO NEWS) -- More recently, it turned out that domestic animals can also become infected

Study could make you more mindful when interacting with pets

(ORDO NEWS) -- Dogs are not the only animals that hear emotions in our voices.

It turns out that ancient people also had pets

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 2011, archaeologists excavating a 2nd-century AD rubbish dump near an ancient

How pets can be dangerous

(ORDO NEWS) -- Well, who among us has not been touched by the good-natured neighbor's

Having pets has been shown to be beneficial for maintaining cognitive functions

(ORDO NEWS) -- Pet owners — especially if they adopted a pet at least five

Pets will experience more heatstroke due to global warming

(ORDO NEWS) -- Dogs are not the only pets that can get heatstroke. Experts warn

How to shrink your pet’s carbon pawprint

(ORDO NEWS) -- Looking after a pet can have a surprisingly large impact on the