NATO withdraws from Afghanistan, admitting defeat

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan is, in essence,

NATO calls on US to change position on Open Skies Treaty

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- NATO ambassadors hold an urgent meeting over US withdrawal from

NATO aircraft climbed to intercept Russian bombers over the Black Sea

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The joint command of the NATO Air Force reported that

NATO will hold an emergency meeting to discuss US decision

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The NATO North Atlantic Council will hold an emergency meeting

Fighters of three NATO countries escorted Russian bombers

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- Fighters from three NATO countries at once accompanied a pair

Russia masters NATO submarine destruction tactics

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The Russian Navy is gradually increasing the scale of its

NATO provocations against Russia

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- Despite the pandemic of the coronavirus, NATO did not abandon

US saw the actions of Russia in Arctic a threat to NATO

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The growing Russian military presence in the Arctic threatens NATO’s

NATO has a problem with Germany

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- Since the beginning of May, a discussion has again flared

NATO and Russia play muscle, but coronavirus is a common enemy

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The United States recently curtailed major military exercises in Europe

NATO ships strike group leaves Arctic

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- The strike group of US Sixth Fleet ships left the