Biologists have discovered that urban lizards are genetically different from forest lizards

(ORDO NEWS) -- Lizards living in different cities have similar genomic markers that differ from

Scientists have determined the time of the appearance of modern lizards

(ORDO NEWS) -- British scientists from the University of Bristol found that modern lizards did

Lizards poison themselves to survive

(ORDO NEWS) -- Fire ants are an extremely dangerous invasive species that pose a deadly

Why lizards shoot blood from their eyes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Each animal in its own way is protected from external threats. Someone

Ancient Reptilians unsolved mystery of the 7,000-year-old ubaid Lizards

(ORDO NEWS) -- It is generally accepted in archeology that civilization began in ancient Mesopotamia

New finds confirm an interesting theory of the origin of monitor lizards

(ORDO NEWS) -- Probably the best-known representatives of the monitor lizard family are the huge