Scientists have discovered a new form of ice

(ORDO NEWS) -- UNLV researchers have discovered a new form of ice that is redefining

Antarctic sea ice hit lowest ever recorded

(ORDO NEWS) -- The reason is probably natural variability, although global warming may play a

Everest’s Highest Glacier Lost 2,000 Years of Ice in Just 25 Years

(ORDO NEWS) -- The climate crisis enveloping Earth impacts the lowest depths of the sea

Scientists have found what protects the Antarctic ice from melting

(ORDO NEWS) -- Every year since 1993, global sea levels have risen by an average

Greenland lost enough ice in last 2 decades to cover entire US in 1.5 feet of water

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else on the planet, and

Physicists Reveal The Weird Shapes Ice Takes as It Melts at Different Temperatures

(ORDO NEWS) -- Melting ice can take on different shapes depending on the temperature of

Signs of an Unknown Solar ‘Tsunami’ Have Been Discovered Deep Inside Earth’s Ice

(ORDO NEWS) -- Deep beneath the ice in Greenland and Antarctica, researchers have found signs

Ancient ice evidence of a mysterious solar storm

(ORDO NEWS) -- Through analysis of ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, a research team

Scientists have received a new state of matter – superionic ice

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists at the University of Chicago say they were able to create

NASA will send a mission to the moon to find water ice in 2022

(ORDO NEWS) -- NASA has officially announced where it plans to probe the lunar surface

Arctic ice thinner

(ORDO NEWS) -- Arctic sea ice has shrunk by two-thirds over the past 60 years,