Can humanity conquer Mars ?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Elon Musk's Starship, at first glance, is suitable for a flight to

Humanity will begin to die out by the end of the century, scientists say

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have said that the increase in carbon dioxide emissions, which occurs

Scientists told how dangerous for humanity a meeting with aliens

(ORDO NEWS) -- Even if the aliens are not hostile, the mere fact of contact

Planet is waiting for the largest volcanic eruption. Is humanity ready for this?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Mankind spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year to protect its

Contact with extraterrestrials is dangerous for humanity, scientists say

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists have been trying to detect signals from representatives of other civilizations

Humanity is threatened by a new deadly simian virus similar to HIV

(ORDO NEWS) -- A little-known family of viruses already endemic to wild African primates and

Finding even friendly aliens could have some real risks for humanity

(ORDO NEWS) -- Science fiction is a field in which people have traditionally struggled with

Who signals to humanity from the depths of the Universe scientists have solved the mystery

(ORDO NEWS) -- Chinese astronomers explain the origin of nearly 2,000 mysterious FRBs - fast

”Genetic Scissors” bring humanity closer to immortality

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 2022, a Chinese scientist dubbed the "Chinese Frankenstein" is released from

If humanity disappears, which species will dominate ?

(ORDO NEWS) -- Humanity has certainly had a huge impact on the environment, but our