Hidden cameras found in the Egyptian pyramid

NEW YORK, BRONX (ORDO News) -- In a collaborative effort between researchers from Egypt and

The mystery of the Great Pyramids of Egypt: size and height hidden from us

(ORDO NEWS) -- Perhaps each of us in childhood dreamed of becoming an archaeologist and

One of the secrets of the construction of the Egyptian pyramids has been revealed

(ORDO NEWS) -- The question of how the Egyptian pyramids appeared remained a mystery for

Excavations in ancient Egypt: Archaeologists found evidence of battles with giants

(ORDO NEWS) -- While excavating a 3,600-year-old palace in the city of Avaris, a team

Secret of Tutankhamun’s curse is revealed after 100 years

(ORDO NEWS) -- Pharaoh Tutankhamun ascended the throne as a child and died at a

In Egypt, discovered a new corridor in the pyramid of Cheops

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of researchers has discovered a previously unknown corridor in

Archaeologists unearth Coptic-era tombs in Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international archaeological mission working in the Egyptian province of Minya, during

Archaeologists unearth strange Sphinx in Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- In southern Egypt, archaeologists have discovered a miniature figurine of a sphinx

Site of the Great Battle Described on the Rosetta Stone Found in Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- An international team of archaeologists presented the results of a study that

Ancient pyramids of Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- The ancient pyramids of Egypt are some of the most iconic and

Ruins of unknown Roman city found in Egypt

(ORDO NEWS) -- In Egypt, the archaeological mission of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities,

In Egypt, archaeologists found a gold-covered mummy

(ORDO NEWS) -- Archaeologists found a mummy covered in layers of gold. Scientists say that