Former CIA analyst reveals secret about weapons for Ukraine

(ORDO NEWS) -- Western countries are transferring obsolete weapons to Ukraine that they themselves no

CIA report talks about space-time travel with the help of the mind

(ORDO NEWS) -- As early as 1983, the CIA released an obscure report on The

Where is the CIA and how does it work, which constantly overthrows the governments of countries

(ORDO NEWS) -- Among the 17 intelligence agencies of the United States of America, the

How the CIA tried to create a weapon of Zeus

(ORDO NEWS) -- Documents on the creation of climate weapons remained classified. In the late

Secret meeting between CIA director and Taliban in Kabul

(ORDO NEWS) -- The head of the CIA held a secret meeting in Kabul with

MK-ULTRA: CIA mind control experiment on three Vietnamese

(ORDO NEWS) -- In 1953, on the orders of CIA Director Allen Dulles, a program

CIA declassified documents on paranormal experiments of Soviet scientists

(ORDO NEWS) -- The CIA has declassified materials about experiments carried out by Soviet scientists

CIA declassified all UFO documents: archive link available

(ORDO NEWS) -- The information service of the declassified archives Black Vault has presented files

How the CIA tried to turn cats into “cyborg spies”

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the 1960s, the CIA spent over $ 15 million on Project

Exclusive: CIA predicted a global pandemic 10 years ago

US, WASHINGTON (ORDO NEWS) -- In 2009, the analytical analysis of the American CIA indicated