UK nuclear submarine barely avoids catastrophe – The Solar

The vessel with 140 crew members aboard risked being crushed while approaching the “danger zone,”

When the supervolcano wakes up and is it possible to avoid a catastrophe

(ORDO NEWS) -- In December 2022, four volcanoes erupted almost simultaneously: in Italy, Hawaii, Indonesia

Elon Musk warned of a worldwide catastrophe

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to American billionaire Elon Musk, the world is heading towards a

A catastrophe is brewing in Alaska’s newly formed lakes, and scientists are concerned

(ORDO NEWS) -- Lakes appearing in Alaska due to melting permafrost are "releasing" methane into

Scientists have determined what provoked the world’s largest climate catastrophe

(ORDO NEWS) -- About 252 million years ago, the world was going through a turbulent

UN climate catastrophe can be stopped now or never

(ORDO NEWS) -- The time has come "now or never" to limit the catastrophic increase

Terrible story of Io a planetary catastrophe every two days

(ORDO NEWS) -- Imagine what would happen if our atmosphere suddenly freezes and crashes to

American geologist predicted a repeat of the 500-year-old catastrophe in the Middle East

(ORDO NEWS) -- American, Italian and Saudi scientists have discovered evidence of an ancient underwater

Can the Moon fall to the Earth, and how likely is such a catastrophe?

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Moon has been a close satellite of the Earth for billions

Ecological catastrophe passed the point of no return in 2014

(ORDO NEWS) -- Climate researchers warn that extreme heat in Earth's oceans passed the "point