Foamy graphene forms the basis of a new method for measuring blood glucose

(ORDO NEWS) -- British researchers have developed a new chemical method for determining the concentration

Antiviral agent found in human blood that protects against all strains of COVID-19

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the human body found a special antiviral agent. Researchers believe that

Blood pressure and heart failure medications can damage the kidneys

(ORDO NEWS) -- This was discovered by scientists from the University of Virginia School of

Scientists have named exercises to lower blood pressure

(ORDO NEWS) -- When blood pressure rises, this has an extremely negative effect not only

Factors that increase the risk of thrombosis

(ORDO NEWS) -- Thrombosis is the process of blood clots (blood clots) forming in blood

How to lower blood sugar: the most effective ways

(ORDO NEWS) -- Experts have named simple, but at the same time quite effective ways