NASA 30,000 dangerous asteroids are approaching Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- The number of near-Earth asteroids has crossed the 30,000 mark, according to

4 potentially dangerous asteroids will approach the Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- NASA employees have warned that four potentially dangerous asteroids are headed toward

2 asteroids are approaching the Earth : what is known

(ORDO NEWS) -- NASA reports that an asteroid is approaching Earth at high speed. It

White House pushes to delay launch of NASA telescope to search for killer asteroids

(ORDO NEWS) -- NASA estimates that there are about 25,000 asteroids large enough to be

Water could have been brought to Earth by asteroids

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists, after analyzing rare samples collected as a result of a six-year

It’s time to look for near-Earth asteroids in the direction of the Sun

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scott Sheppard, an astronomer at the Institute of Astronomy at the University