In Chile, found a settlement destroyed 3800 years ago by a powerful tsunami

(ORDO NEWS) -- About 3,800 years ago, an earthquake hit the coast of Chile, stronger

500-year-old landslide found in the Red Sea could trigger a future Tsunami

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Red Sea has been hiding powerful geological forces that could put

Invisible earthquake provoked a powerful tsunami

(ORDO NEWS) -- A new study has found that the mysterious source of the tsunami

Most powerful tsunami in history a wave as high as a multi-storey building

(ORDO NEWS) -- The highest tsunami was recorded in 1958 in a narrow bay in

Signs of an Unknown Solar ‘Tsunami’ Have Been Discovered Deep Inside Earth’s Ice

(ORDO NEWS) -- Deep beneath the ice in Greenland and Antarctica, researchers have found signs

Three small islands of Tonga hit hard by 15m tsunami

(ORDO NEWS) -- The three small islands of Tonga have been hit hard by the

Tonga faces ‘unprecedented disaster’: New Zealand warns of more eruptions and tsunami risk

(ORDO NEWS) -- A massive volcanic eruption and tsunami near Tonga have caused an "unprecedented

The tsunami from the volcano circled the Earth twice

(ORDO NEWS) -- The shock waves and tsunamis, which have already circumnavigated the Earth twice,

Fluctuations in the magnetic field will warn of the approaching tsunami

(ORDO NEWS) -- Changes in the magnetic field can be registered a little earlier than

Rare triple tsunami recorded off the coast of New Zealand

(ORDO NEWS) -- The new DART buoy complex in the South Pacific recorded waves driven

Previously unknown tsunami hazard identified in coastal cities

(ORDO NEWS) -- As you know, tsunamis appear due to coastal tectonic plate shifts. Areas