10 interesting facts about Stephen Hawking

(ORDO NEWS) -- Even if you are not a fan of science and have never

Stephen Hawking’s three predictions: warlike AI, colonizing Mars and encountering aliens

(ORDO NEWS) -- Artificial intelligence, the colonization of Mars, and the alien invasion are favorite

Stephen Hawking was right: new properties of black holes found

(ORDO NEWS) -- British physicists were able to prove that black holes have not only

Stephen Hawking’s theorem on the properties of a black hole is proved

(ORDO NEWS) -- Physicists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have proven Stephen Hawking's theorem,

Astronomers confirm Stephen Hawking’s black hole theorem

(ORDO NEWS) -- That Stephen Hawking was a real genius, no one ever doubted. Analysis

Artificial intelligence has promised not to destroy humanity

(ORDO NEWS) -- Artificial intelligence made an interesting statement. The algorithm for generating GPT-3 texts