Biologists have found substances by which mosquitoes recognize human smell

(ORDO NEWS) -- American scientists have identified volatile molecules that allow mosquitoes to distinguish people

A billion people could get dengue due to the spread of mosquitoes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Climate change and rising temperatures will increase the range of the Aedes

Scientists have discovered a dangerous mutation of the virus carried by mosquitoes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists from the Immunological Institute of La Jolla in the US have

California and Florida are about to release 2 billion genetically modified mosquitoes

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Environmental Protection Agency has approved the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes

Should we kill every mosquito on Earth

(ORDO NEWS) -- Is this the best way to stop the spread of malaria? Throughout

Scientists have figured out how to effectively and environmentally fight mosquitoes

(ORDO NEWS) -- Mosquitoes carry a huge number of diseases and are considered a big

Mosquitoes are attracted to red, orange and black colors

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists came to this conclusion in the course of observing the behavior

Mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus found in 7 US states

(ORDO NEWS) -- Mosquito bites are very uncomfortable at best. Very often, these insects are

Why do mosquitoes drink blood?

(ORDO NEWS) -- In spring, summer, and autumn mosquitoes pester us. Probably all of us

Scientists turn female mosquitoes into non-biting males

(ORDO NEWS) -- American scientists in the process of research have discovered a way to