Double mass extinction occurred 260 million years ago

(ORDO NEWS) -- Researchers have identified the events that led to a double mass extinction

Kepten mass extinction turned out to be two extinctions in a row

(ORDO NEWS) -- In the middle of the Permian period, large-scale volcanic eruptions began in

Supercomputer predicts Earth’s sixth mass extinction by 2100

(ORDO NEWS) -- By the end of the century, a mass extinction could begin on

Sixth mass extinction has begun on Earth – say scientists

(ORDO NEWS) -- According to the calculations of the supercomputer , the sixth mass extinction

Mysterious fluctuations in oxygen caused an unusually strong mass extinction

(ORDO NEWS) -- The Ordovician-Silurian event was larger in scale than the extinction of the

Scientists discover sixth mass extinction in Earth’s ancient past

(ORDO NEWS) -- Extinctions periodically occur on our planet, that is, a large number of

Cause of the first mass extinction in the history of the Earth is determined

(ORDO NEWS) -- Scientists at the Virginia Institute of Technology found that the first mass

How tree roots caused mass extinction

(ORDO NEWS) -- Usually, when we imagine the cause of a mass extinction, we think

First mass extinction caused suffocation

(ORDO NEWS) -- During its long history, the Earth has experienced several periods when many